Greetings to you all,thanks to the great success from the tools "Camera Cab Position" and thanks to the many suggestions received from users of these tools,
is now available the new Release 2.0Improvements and new features are:1) It is now possible to automatically restore all previously configured values (values set with this new version)
This is a very useful function to use for example, after an update from Steam, the simulator, in this case the values are lost, and with this new feature with a click will all be restored.
2) It is now possible to automatically restore all the original values proposed by default and configured with the simulator.
3) You can now select multiple folders to search in the 'Assets' this function will allow you to eventually modify the path in which it resides and RailWorks will be useful to all those who have multiple installations of RailWorks in your system.
4) With this version are intercepted subfolders "RailVehicles" and also "RollMaterial" thus extending the compatibility also to the material, for example, providers "Aerosoft" and "GermanRailRoadsRW".
5) This version supports many international languages with decimal separators in different configurations and improves the international compatibility.
I hope that all these changes will seize your consent and enthusiasm.
If you like these tools talk to friends but if you would like to improve write and tell me what you would like to get included in the next update, I will consider all your suggestions.
Cordially greet you and thank you for your cooperation, Claudio.
You can remove the previous version, download and install the new version 2.0 you can find the site at: