Al intentar descargar material para la actividad de Francesc SV me he encontrado con esto
All nodes are currently busy. Please try again later.
Because of the high expenses involved in running a file download site we are forced to limit usage of the site to the level we can afford. Presently, we are at the limit. People are constantly logging in and out so if you keep trying you will likely get in.
For best results try to avoid peak times. Daily peak time is around 4 p.m. U.S. eastern time (or 2000 UTC) on weekdays, with heaviest usage from around noon to midnight. The entire weekend also sees heavy usage. Please be aware, though, that this site and the Internet in general is truly international and there are many people active at all hours of the day.
Or, help support Train-Sim.Com and get in right away every time by signing up for a First Class Membership.
In Summary:
* Yes, we know the site is very busy. We offer as much free access as we can afford to. If you'd like to see us do even more, be sure to support the companies that advertise with us.
* If you want immediate access you can sign up for a First Class Membership.
* If you keep retrying to log in you will get in. That's exactly how most of our users do it.
* If retrying does not seem to work the problem may be your browser and not the Web site. Your browser may be reloading the busy message from your own local cache...even when you've successfully logged in! For help on this and other issues, go here.
Me da mala espina. Supongo que lo querrán hacer todode pago así que ya sabeis o sois de primera clase y si no ajo... y agua...