Si es absolutamente imperativo de lo contario saldrá un mensaje diciendo your have the ol version of patch your remove first this version to instal setup wash now finish
PD perdón por mi inglés no es muy bueno la versión última es la 6.23
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Independent doors animation
In any wag you can define up to 6 doors. Doors could be grouped from any number of animated nodes, which must be unique named DOOR_A, DOOR_B, DOOR_C for right doors and DOOR_D, DOOR_E, DOOR_F for doors on left side of wag.
Distribution content sample wag to demonstrate 3 different types of animated door on boths sides of wag.
Animation trigers are defined in common.iom (txt) file:
io_map ( PAD_7 "ToggleDoor_R" ALL_UP CTRL_DOWN )
io_map ( PAD_9 "ToggleDoor_L" ALL_UP CTRL_DOWN )
You can soever redefine them
Mirrors animation
Animation trigers are defined in common.iom (txt) file:
io_map ( PAD_8 "ToggleMirrors" ALL_UP CTRL_DOWN )
You can soever redefine it
+ Correction of tooltip for Dynamic brake (%)
+ GearBox correction for reversing (e.g. KIHA31)
+ Power run-up and run-out correction for reversing
+ wheel turn correction for fliped cars
+ bogies turn correction for fliped cars
+ two way independent door animation (two groups left/right)
+ independent mirrors animation
+ time correction for midnight passing in activities
+ modified versions of Englisch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian dialogs and string DLLs.
+ some corrections on AI lights
+ more realistic tree shadows
+ lights correction for improve visibility up to >500m (mipmap levels)
blas_dani escribió:
... si claro, tienen que existir las correspondientes piezas y animaciones en la jerarquia, sino, no chuta.
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